Platform Stats:
Projects: 1.489
Users: 6.708
Forms: 4.295
Records: 635.445 ( 8.822)

The increasingly numerous and diverse data collection brings up the problem to present these records in various forms of numerical, textual and figurative (rudimentary maps and photos, inclusive) occurrences and store it in systems. It is necessary to develop ways to organize, treat and present them in their taxonomic and regional contexts, aiming to achieve a coordinated reality understanding, or transform data into geoincluded information.

Designed and improved through over two decades, Vicon - Vigilance and Control, a 100% free of charge and national initiative, has been developed and constantly improved by the Geoprocessing Laboratory from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - LAGEOP/UFRJ in partnership with Applied Geoprocessing Laboratory from Rural Federal University do Rio de Janeiro.

In 2000 the system was created and deployed in a first standalone version, in order to portray any environment events and entities over a georeferenced database. The main difference from other existing applications is its flexibility for forms creation, which also makes it customizable for any workgroup. The system also supports multimedia content attachment such as photos and videos, and any digital files related to the depicted phenomenon.

Vicon attracted the interest various initiatives through different application needs. Since the water resources spatial distribution by the Fire Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro, diseases spatial analysis and also information management support in disasters, and in this last example, supported dozens of disaster support missions occurred insise and outside Brazil territory (detailed below).

Featured Projects

The system has been applied and improved every day from the partnership in various application areas. The interactions with our partners are very important, to identify new creation opportunities. Among our partners, point out:

Centre for Scientific Support in Disasters - CENACID / UFPR - Applying the system to manage information in disaster situations. The system was adopted by the center for 10 years, already supported in dozens of disasters such as Hurricane Ivan - Granada (2004), Vicuña ship explosion - Paranaguá (2004), Landslides in Angra dos Reis, Paraty and São Luis do Paraitinga (2010), Floods - Blumenau (2008), Floods and Landslides - Teresópolis (2011), 7.2-scale earthquake - Haiti 2010, Earthquakes Chile and Peru, among others. The CENACID has recognized humanitarian and technical merits and was awarded by the UN with the Green Star Award (more detail in http://www.cenacid.ufrpr.br/).

Rio de Janeiro State of Fire Department - CBMERJ/RJ - The VICON/SAGA directed to the Water Resources Management Plan has already been experimentally applied to the pilot area of jurisdiction of Copacabana battalion (19° OBM), to locate available water resources for any emergency in "reveillons" 2010 and 2011, involving festivals, each one at least 1.5 million viewers of fireworks shows. It´s is diffusion process among other city battalions.

Health Surveillance - Federal University of BahiaThe Vicon SAGA system has been used since May 2018 as a platform for participatory Photovoice research and collaborative mapping, which qualify and evaluate the perceived risk for leptospirosis by young people from two communities of Salvador, Bahia, with the risk measured objectively by serum prevalence of residents and abundance of rats. The research is part of the Community in Action against Zoonoses for the Environment project (CAZA), based in the Institute of Collective Health (ISC) of UFBA and with the joint participation of Fiocruz Bahia and the University of Liverpool. By December 2018, 60 youths from two outlying communities of Salvador will pass through UFBA's computer labs. In addition to mapping points considered to be risky for leptospirosis in the neighborhood, young people navigate and discuss the problems of their communities through a Web map of the Vicon SAGA system. Photos and videos made by young people, such as garbage and open sewage, are attached to the points of the sites of their occurrence in the project #jovensdaUFBA, with access and use for all of the group via Vicon SAGA. Young people are motivated to discuss the risks, responsibilities and coping with these neighborhood issues. Afterwards, participants systematize their results in reports containing maps, photos and tables during a 24-hour digital socio-emancipation course organized in partnership with the Science and Technology BI of UFBA. This process affirms geographic inclusion as a natural continuation of digital and social inclusion in a participatory research in the area of health and environment.

Mapping disease - Rio de Janeiro Health Department - The system has also been applied by the Rio de Janeiro Health Department. The secretariat spatialized more than 100,000 reported dengue occured cases in state, from the geocoding of patients addresses seen by the public health. Parameterized queries can be performed for the analysis about higher incidence cases sites.

Ministry of Education and UFOPA - West Federal University of Para - Surveillance and Control System and the collection of information relating to 48 municipal schools in the city of Santarem, where the pilot project was developed.